Wednesday 11 November 2015

Motion Graphics: Christmas Card.

The second workshop that I went to during workshop week was Sara's Motion Graphics: Christmas Card workshop.

Our aim was to create a 10 second christmas animation each and we started off by creating a little character design, using Illustrator.

This was the character that I created using Illustrator. 

Once we had finished designing what would be on our christmas cards, we imported our Illustrator files into After Effects, making sure we retained all the layer sizes, to get ready to animate. 

I unfortunately, I didn't manage to finish this workshop right to the end as I went to a guest lecture on the same day and as the times overlapped, I rendered my video to the place that I had got up to. Luckily I managed to animate my snowman a little bit and I am quite happy with what I managed to do in such a short space of time.