Thursday 12 November 2015

Post-it Pixel Parlance Workshop.

The first session that I went to during workshop week was on Monday 9th November. As a group of us, our aim was to create an animation using just Post-it notes. In total there were18 of us, and we used 2500 post-its.

We split into two groups to start with, to plan out and start creating the two halves of the animation separately. Group one creating the word "WORK" and group two designing and creating the word "PLAY".

In my group there was eight of us, individually colouring Pink post-its in with black marker pens and taking photos every time we swapped one pink square for one black square to eventually form the word "WORK" on the wall.

It took us a while to figure out if there was a specific way we wanted to do this to make sure that once all the photos got put together, it would look how we wanted it to look. We ended up just diving into it and going for a technique where we just picked random post-it notes and swapped them over until all the letters of the word appeared on the wall, with no specific order to it at all. 

Here are some of the photos of our group creating the word "WORK" using a wall of Post-its.

Group two, I think, had it a little trickier. As the word "WORK" was created using straight forward squares, it was quite easy. However, when creating the word "PLAY" they were making it a lot more creative looking and handwritten looking. so the Black type crossed over the edges of different post it notes. Group two ended up spending a lot of time drawing out the word first before even thinking of assembling it onto the wall. 

A picture of Group two drawing the word "PLAY" onto Post-its.

After both of the groups were finished creating each of their words, we then, as a collective,  figured out what we wanted our transition between the two different words to look like. Once that was decided, we split into two groups again. 

Group two stayed at finished the transition and placed the word "PLAY" onto the wall of Post it's so that we could finish that off and create the animation we originally aimed to create. 

My group, Group one, went off to another part of the studio and made another, mini, animation using a lot less Post-its this time. Again there was eight of us, but we used a wall of only 15x25 Post-it notes this time. Our plan this time was to re-create a game of Snake that everybody used to love playing on our old Nokia phones.

A few photos of our second Post-it Note animation.

Monday was a really fun Workshop ran by Nick, and I really enjoyed being part of a really great team.

After we had successfully finished placing every Post-it note needed on the wall, to create these animation shorts, we had a really fun time demolishing it, and ripping them down.

I think it's safe to say that I would be really happy if I were to not see another Post-it note in a long while. Although, this workshop was incredibly fun and a great way to be part of a team.